Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oneness Implies Separation...

Oneness implies separation. No separate you or me to be one with. No separate God, Buddha or Christ. Oneness is a finite numerical construct or equation for the ego to describe indescribable, immeasurable, unquantifiable, infinite Being.

Form and Formlessness are both illusory.
Constructing Formlessness is form.
Deconstructing form or formlessness is illusion, form and Samsara.

How can the form that has no form,
form the un-formable Formless
by informing the uninformed form of its formlessness?


The formed and the formless can’t be formed, informed, performed, uniformed, trance-formed, conformed or de-formed. Form and formlessnes simply don't exist.

No form to form.
No formlessness to form.
No formlessness to unform the form
No formlessness to unform
No formlessness.

The unavoidable Void,
unavoidably voids the voids,
that were never voids
and cannot exist in the Unavoidable Void, unavoidably.

Being just this moment, compassion's way.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hate... the condition of the non-existent self

Hate... the condition of the non-existent self
loathing its ubiquitous non-existence
in the mirror prison of its own holographic hallucinations
screaming suicidal imploding invectives
at apparitions of its own conjuring
to drown-out shrieking silent voices
of its vacuous vitriolic vicissitudes.

Lost in the self-centered dream only suffering
Holding to self centered thoughts, exactly the dream
Life as it is, the only teacher
being just this moment, compassion’s way

Compassion is the only cure.